Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Have you heard about google's new browser?

Is This supposed to replace MS Internet Explorer? I was watching Fox News this morning at 5am MST (yes I get up that early hee hee) and there was a Business Report about it.

Googles new Internet Browser is supposed to work like a comic strip they said, something showing at the end. I didn't really get the beginning of the report, but definately sounded interesting.

Does anybody know more? Any ebooks out there on it/about it? I don't know about it being a beta version, but I'd like to see what it has to offer as a web designer.



Paramount Internet said...

Yahoo News said this:

The free browser, called "Chrome," is supposed to be available for downloading Tuesday in more than 100 countries for computers running on Microsoft's Windows operating system. Google said it's still working on versions compatible with Apple Inc.'s Mac computer and the Linux operating system.

I found this at:

just some interesting info.

Anonymous said...

What would a beta version have that a new one wouldn't?

Anonymous said...

I went to http://www.google.com/chrome and turns out the chrome browser is now available for download.

Not sure if there are any bugs in it, still deciding on if I'm going to try it. You mentioned "beta", that usually refers to new software that is not past the final stages of testing. I would never use a beta browser/program in a secure site such as my website banking. As far as Google's Chrome fitting into that catagory, I'm not sure. At least not right now.


Paramount Internet said...

I just heard from Wells Fargo Online Banking that they do not yet support Internet Explorer 8 or Google Chrome.

B-Blogit said...

I have downloaded it and used it. My computer crashed later due to something completely unrelated. It seemed like a good browser and fairly similary to IE and Firefox.

Just another way Google is trying to control the market. I have my own business and the majority of searches from from google so you know their search engine is used a lot!
