Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who for Prez?

Obama or McCain?


Anonymous said...

I'll have to look at the issues more. I feel Obama is so popular only because he and Hillary duked it out. McCain seems more likely.

Anonymous said...

My Question is, McCain's vice president? Should her daughter's child out of wedlock matter? I think not. Didn't president Clinton say "We all have personal lives?"
Not to compare sins, but I think we all have shadows, and you can't have it both ways.

Good job McCain for something that you knew was in the light and wasn't afraid to show it.

Mys said...

I'm not from the US but if I had my vote, I'd go for Obama. I like his platform of change and I'd like to see how he'd implement that Change.
Regarding ebooks, i love ebooks and reading them ebookking.

Anonymous said...

I've been looking into a little more of the issues. It seems as if Obama is good for getting the country out of this economic depression, while McCain is good for Military and defense. We can't have it both ways. So what do we need most? What do we want? I think the real issue is to save ourselves from the financial depression that we are falling into. We may be robbing peter to save paul, but for now I think we may need to save ourselves. America is Hurting, we may have to shoot ourselves in the foot before we figure it out.
-Alan S.